Cannibidiol (CBD)

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“Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant.
• This plant, which contains more than 80 chemicals known as cannabinoids, is also called marijuana or hemp.
• Two key ingredients in cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD.
• THC is responsible for the intoxicating effects of cannabis, and it might contribute to the plant’s health benefits.
• Unlike THC, CBD is not intoxicating,
• CBD seems to prevent the breakdown of a chemical in the brain that helps control pain, mood, and mental function.

CBD is available in soft gels, tablets, capsules, oils, gums, liquid extracts, and vape juice (for fillable electronic cigarettes).

Three studies have shown that a pure CBD product, available by prescription only, reduces seizures in adults and children with 2 rare forms of epilepsy. In these studies, people were treated with the CBD product for 14 weeks while they continued to take other antiseizure drugs. The CBD treatment decreased the number of seizures and reduced their frequency and severity.”

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