Welcome to the home base for the International SCN8A Registry

This website is the portal for the  SCN8A Registry Research Study, which features a questionnaire tailored to collect a range of SCN8A medical and genetic data from each participant (e.g., genetic variants, clinical features, developmental history, current medications, brain scans and electroencephalograms, etc., from each participant). Researchers and medical experts analyze data from the Registry Research Study questionnaire to accelerate progress in understanding the causes and consequences of SCN8A-related disorders. 

What We Do

This website is the portal for the SCN8A Registry Research Study, which features a questionnaire tailored to collect a range of SCN8A medical and genetic data from each participant (e.g., genetic variants, clinical features, developmental history, current medications, brain scans and electroencephalograms, etc., from each participant). Researchers and medical experts analyze data from the Registry Research Study questionnaire to accelerate progress in understanding the causes and consequences of SCN8A-related disorders.

Look Up A Gene Variant

Learn how many others share your variant.

Medication Guide

Check current anti-seizure medications and their mechanism of action

Gene Topology

See where your variant and others map on the Nav1.6 channel


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Diagnosis Management and Counseling

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